Monday, November 5, 2012

Project Brainstorm

Project 2:

The final project will entail an examination of self. Consider the many constructs of how people define themselves and start imagining visual metaphors that simply describe the complex process of self-definition. 

Above is a list of categories pertaining to the self that you all generated in class. Take time to thoughtfully select three of these that you find:

  • engaging
  • leaves room for critical thought
  • aligns to your own way of seeing yourself (or the way in which you view others)
After you select three of these topic, take each one individually and sketch out different ideas/methods/lenses that will show the nuances of that idea. You will eventually settle on one of your three chosen topics, but before focusing in on any one idea it will benefit you to keep an open mind and consider different processes that are appropriate for each idea.

So for example, lets say you latch onto the following three ideas: morals, mistakes and personality.

You would next consider each one on its own. Ask yourself - how is this facet of the self a system and how is it organized? What is an experimental and exciting way to illustrate or illuminate this part of one's self? What level of specificity or generality should be used - is this about me, about a specific person or about a community/culture of people?

  • Morality is like looking through a window - it can protect you from some elements, blind you to others, keep you safe in some regards but hinder your experiences and desires in other senses. (Elaborate more and talk about visual techniques).
  • Morals are like a connective tissue that holds together other values systems. (Elaborate more and talk about visual techniques).
  • Humans are led by their morals as if they are on a leash, beholden to a master from another time in their lives....(Elaborate more and talk about visual techniques).
  • Mistakes are the most valuable experience to gain. How do you illustrate the value of mistake vs success.(Elaborate more and talk about visual techniques).
  • Mistakes are relative to a time period and culture. How were yesterday's triumphs today's mistakes?(Elaborate more and talk about visual techniques).
  • Take vs Mis-Take - use linguistics as a starting point for how a person needs to try before even failing....(Elaborate more and talk about visual techniques).
  • How much are we a mirror of our surroundings and social network?
  • Personality is as much something we shed and emanate as it is something we adopt and soak up.
  • Break down the 20 most important personality traits of self and pinpoint their origins.

Hopefully the above examples help you think about ideas. You should come to class chock full of possibilities, sketches, and other references that you think relate to this study of self. You should be able to articulate each of your ideas and have a basic sense of your desired visual output.

Reading Research:
Freud's 'Ego and the Id'


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Crit Part 2

Kevin Barth:

Dave Braithwaite:

Project 1 Critique

Brooke's Project:





Monday, October 15, 2012

In Class 10/15/12

While Park has one-on-one project consultations, please read the following pages and explore some of the many links:

Also, when consider a visual/computational aesthetic, take some cues from the tumblr blog that hosts a wide range of projects:

DATA within grasp

Here are some great starting points for finding Data Sets:

DATA.GOV's Raw Data Sets:

NYC Open-Data:

Federal Agency Datasets (Check out the Census Bureau and others):

EarthQuake Data:

There are many more out there. Search 'Open Data' to get started.

And some sites that discuss and exhibits data visualization:

Sunday, September 30, 2012

MMD Fall '12

For Fall 2012 we will be learning to code interactive works in the patch-based program Quartz Composer. After gaining a sense of comfort in that environment, we will move to the more complex (and flexible) program Processing.

Quartz Composer can be downloaded for free from

Currently, the version available on apple's site seems to only run on OSX 10.7 and 10.8

If you are running earlier versions of OSX, you may need to download a program called XCODE 3.2.1 and see if QC is packaged with that program.

If you want to get started in Processing, you can download it for free as well (cross-platform and open-source).

We are currently running/learning and using Processing version 1.5.1
Pretty soon we may migrate to the large upgrade of 2.0 (after it comes out of alpha version).

Download processing from
Also check out: to see available coding terms.